Layne BangerterI had the opportunity to talk with Layne Bangerter at this year’s World Coyote Calling Championships in Elko, NV. Layne and his son Wil Bangerter have excelled in coyote calling contests and this year at the World Contest was no different. They took second place with 13 coyotes. This was the same number of coyotes they took last year where they placed third. Layne has also won the Northwest National Coyote Calling Championships three [click to continue…]

7th Place

Dustin Butler of Team Predator Down and Ron Talbot of Varmint Control Officer just finished 7th place at the World Coyote Calling Championships in Elko, Nevada. This was their first time competing together as a team. Good job guys!

36th Place

Lync Jones of Team Predator Down and his dad Rulon Jones [click to continue…]

PD008 : The Midwest Coyote Calling Event with Brent Rueb

Predator Down Podcast RSSPredator Down Podcast LogoIn this episode of The Predator Down Podcast I interview Brent Rueb the founder of both The Midwest Coyote Calling Event and the World Predator Expo. Brent has put a lot of time and effort into promoting products and events for the predator hunting industry. We discuss when the Midwest contest started, the different divisions, sponsors, and side bets. We also discuss how many coyotes it takes to place in each division. We also talk about the World Predator Expo and how Brent got the idea to get it started. We also discuss who is running it now and some of the things that happen at the expo.

Items Mentioned in the Show:

The Midwest Coyote Calling Event in St. Francis, KS on January 11th and 12th 2014.
The World Predator Expo in Waco, TX on April 4th, 5th, and 6th 2014.
The World Coyote Calling Championship in Elko, NV on December 6th and 7th 2013.
Thanks to those that left an iTunes review for the show.

Utah Youth Coyote Hunt (November 2, 2013)

Youth Coyote Hunt1 Youth Coyote Hunt2

After the success of going to their first ever Utah Youth Coyote Hunt in 2012, it didn’t take much for the kids to want to return again this year. [click to continue…]

Huge Arizona Coues Deer Harvested with the Gunwerks 6XC

Dustin Butler's Huge Arizona Coues DeerI had the opportunity of taking a coues deer of a lifetime and got it all captured on film. I took this huge Arizona Coues with my Gunwerks 6XC. The video was featured on the Gunwerks YouTube Channel and you can watch it by clicking here: Arizona Coues with the Gunwerks 6XC.

PD007 : Hunting Coyotes with Garvin Young

Predator Down Podcast RSSPredator Down Podcast LogoIn this episode of The Predator Down Podcast I interview Garvin Young of Foxpro’s field staff. We discuss some of the different types of calls offered by Foxpro and Garvin’s favorite sounds. How Garvin Young and Al Morris became partners in 1997. We also talk extensively about the World Coyote Calling Championship, how they hunt, and some tips and tricks. As mentioned last time Al Morris and Garvin Young are the only three time World Champions.

Items Mentioned in the Show:

Check out the article Dustin wrote in the October issue of Predator Xtreme called Long Range Coyotes.
The Predator Down Sweatshirts and Hats are available.
The Utah Youth Coyote Hunt will be on November 2nd.
The National Coyote Calling Championship in on November 8th and 9th.
Thanks to those that left an iTunes review for the show.

Long Range Coyotes – Predator Xtreme (Oct 2013)

Predator Xtreme

I quickly surveyed the landscape to see if any other coyotes were approaching, then rolled over into the prone position. My hunting partner, Travis Osmond, was sitting beside me glassing the coyote. “What’s the yardage?” I asked. As many of you know, predators don’t stand still to feed like deer or antelope. They’re constantly on the move. Travis started reading yardages: “610, 615, 622.”
Click here to read the full Predator Xtreme article.

PD006 : Coyote Calling with Big Al Morris

Predator Down Podcast RSSPredator Down Podcast LogoIn this episode of The Predator Down Podcast I interview Big Al Morris from Foxpro. We discuss when Al worked for Hunter Specialties and when he made the move to Foxpro. We also talk extensively about the World Coyote Calling Championship. Al Morris and his partner Garvin Young are the only three time World Champions. As you will find out in this episode, Al likes to talk, but he gives some great information about how to hunt coyotes.

Items Mentioned in the Show:

Check out the article Dustin wrote in the October issue of Predator Xtreme called Long Range Coyotes.
The Predator Down Hats are available.
To stay informed on what we are doing subscribe to the Newsletter.
Thanks to those that left an iTunes review for the show.

Coyote Hunter Tournament Dates

Coyote’s 2013-2014 Tournament Dates Finalized with Three Exciting Events.

In 12 short years,’s annual tournament series has gained legendary status among the predator hunting community. The 2013 -2014 series dates are set and participants are already submitting entries. This year’s annual tournament series includes the following events: [click to continue…]

PD005 : Predator Hunting Tips

Predator Down Podcast RSSPredator Down Podcast LogoIn this episode of The Predator Down Podcast we have another question and answer episode. This one is called Predator Hunting Tips. Each person was allowed to ask up to two questions. These questions were sent in from the Facebook Page or by email. I answer questions like What is the smallest shot you are willing to take on stand and still be comfortable with a 50 yard shot? What is your opinion on cover scent and/or scent eliminator? What effects does temperature, barometric pressure and moon phase have on predator hunting and how can you use them to your advantage?

Items Mentioned in the Show:

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