Welcome to Predator Down
At Predator Down we take pride in sharing our vast predator calling experience to help make you a better predator hunter. We do this through seminars, articles, tips, tactics and more. We hope you'll enjoy our site and find information here that helps you put more predators down.
Dustin Butler is recognized as one of the premier predator callers in the industry today. He has been hunting and calling predators for almost 20 years. Dustin has competed in coyote and predator calling contests all over the Western U.S. including National and World Championships where he has consistently excelled, including many wins and top finishes. When Dustin is not in the field calling predators, he is writing for such hunting publications as Predator Xtreme, Predator Xtreme Online, AR Guns and Hunting, Hunting Illustrated and more.
Dustin is a gifted educator and committed to providing the very best predator calling seminars available today. Sportsmen around the world are catching the predator hunting craze, and Dustin takes pride in sharing his years of knowledge and experience with others in order to help them become safe, successful predator hunters.
Special Thanks to our Sponsors
We would like to extend a special Thank You to our sponsors. We insist on using the very best products in the industry. We are fortunate to work with the companies and products that have made us successful time and time again. We know that our equipment is going to work every time we do our job and get a predator to the stand! Please be sure to visit our Equipment Page to learn more.
We Welcome Your Feedback
We appreciate your visit to our site and we welcome your feedback. If you have questions or comments please email [email protected].